Tree City Rolling Tour and Century: Raising money for Annual Campaign

    Hotel Room Discounts

    Discounted rooms rate available at Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn Express in Greensburg. To receive a discounted room rate, just let the hotel know you are participating in the YMCA Tree City Rolling Tour and Century.

    2025 T-Shirt Design
    Click to view 2025 T-Shirt Design

    » Start & finish at Historic Tower Tree Courthouse Square

    » Parking available in designated lots: First Financial Bank (northwest corner of square), Mural lot (southeast corner of square), and south lot (behind buildings on south side of square including Storie's Restaurant). Additional parking located at Gilliland Howe Funeral Home, 110 E. North St. (one block north of square), Porter Oliger Pearson Funeral Home, 302 N. Franklin St. (one block north of square), First Baptist Church, 209 W. Washington St. (one block west of square), and United Methodist Church, 301 N. Broadway St. (one block north of square.) Please do not park where cones are placed in front of businesses.

    » Add $15/$19 to your registration fee for a Tree City Rolling Tour and Century Drifit shirt. No shirt orders after June 22. Shirts are men's and women's cut sizes. A limited amount of shirts may be available the day of the event.

    » Riders 12 and under are free. Parents must pre-register or register the child the day of the event.

    » Water, snacks and restrooms are available at the start & finish and on the course.

    » Lake Santee Kiwanis Club, Lions Club members, Lake Santee Women's Club, and Bryant's Bar and Grill will provide fruit and snacks at the Lake Santee SAG stop. Other SAG stops are manned by various volunteers.

    Ride Options

    » 16 mile route is a nice country ride. Mostly flat with some hills. The 16 mile route is the only route that does not travel around beautiful 6-mile Lake Santee.

    » 34 mile route travels to Lake Santee, around and back. Enjoy the rolling "humps" and hills.

    » NEW! 50 mile route - This route starts with the 16-mile loop to the Kingston area and back, then a 34-mile loop to Westport and back. Mostly flat with some hills.

    There are two 67-mile route choices:

    » 67 Flatter - This route doesn’t have as many hills as the Hilly 67. You will travel to Lake Santee and back to Greensburg, then to Westport and back. 5 SAG stops are on this route.

    » 67 Hilly - This route travels to and around 6-mile Lake Santee, then through small towns of Clarksburg, Buena Vista, Hamburg, Enochsburg and back to Greensburg. Around Hamburg, you’ll pass the Hillenbrand Airport, and travel along some streams and through a historic covered bridge. This year we have brought back the optional 4-mile Hill Top (Hell Top) loop for a whopping 277 ft climb to a 13% grade. There are 5 SAG stops on this route. (Hamburg stop has no restrooms)

    » Century (100+) route starts with the Hilly 67-mile route. Once back at the courthouse, riders proceed to Westport for the last 34 mile loop. This route is very scenic, hilly and includes the optional 4-mile Hell Top loop. Riders will be traveling through two covered bridges, around beautiful Lake Santee and 6 small towns (6 SAG Stops on this route, no restrooms at the Hamburg stop)

    Our 67 Hilly and Century routes have been deemed on official training rides for the Hilly Hundred ride that will take place on October 10–12, 2025.

    More Details

    » Use caution when crossing covered bridges at Hamburg and Westport. You may wish to walk your bike across.

    » Click the "Maps" link above for route maps and turn-by-turn directions.

    » All "Dan Henry" arrows inside city limits and to Kingston Church are white. Colors for each route:
      · 16 mile route: green
      · 34 mile route: yellow
      · (New) 50-mile route: 1st half green, 2nd half to Westport blue.   · Hilly 67 mile route: orange
      · Flatter 67 mile route: first half yellow, second half blue
      · Century (100 mile) route: 1st half orange, 2nd half blue.

    » All routes have SAG support to help keep riders safe for a great riding experience. All SAG stops are well stocked with refreshments, especially Lake Santee, where you will find watermelon and all kinds of fresh fruit and other goodies too. Music will be played at some of the SAG stops this year for riders to enjoy while they rest for a bit.

    » SAG Stops are open at the following times:
      · Kingston Church (Mile 8) 7:00-2:30 (restrooms provided)
      · Lake Santee (Mile 22) 7:15-12:30 (restrooms provided)
      · 25105 Rail Fence Road, Hamburg (Mile 34) 9:00-1:00 (no restrooms)
      · Enochsburg Hall (Mile 44) 9:30-1:30 (back of the hall/restrooms provided)
      · Westport Fire Station (Century Mile 85, Flatter 67 Mile 51, 50-Mile Route Mile 34) 9:00-3:45 (restrooms provided).

    » Be weather alert! Our SAGs and drivers will have an emergency action plan in place if needed.

    » When riders return, they can enjoy lunch with their choice of either a grilled pork tenderloin or hamburger sandwich, a choice of sides, dessert, drinks and more while listening to our live band. (Lunch tickets are available for non-riders for $10.00.) And, if you would like a cold brew, the TAAP is open at noon across from the band, along with other places along the square to unwind.

    Annual Campaign

    Scholarship Program

    At the YMCA, one of our most important goals has always been to enrich the lives of the kids in our community, but when some are left out, it leaves us all a bit poorer. As a person with vested interest in the future of our community, you can help these kids grow into responsible and successful adults.

    YMCA activities help children develop valuable skills, gain confidence and build self-esteem. By contributing to the YMCA Annual Campaign, you can help us teach these young people important values such as caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.

    In 2023 the Decatur County Family YMCA provided $99,189 in financial assistance to those in need as a direct result of the many giving hearts throughout our community. Our 2024 goal is to raise $104,000.00 and to extend our reach to many other children in need of our services.

    We live in an age where many households are headed by single parents or a home where both parents need to work full time. Many struggle to make a life for their families. They seek solutions to real-life issues. It becomes the responsibility of everyone in the community to help our working families instill the values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility in every youth. At the YMCA, we can work together to engage our youth in meaningful programs, and create opportunities through meaningful personal relationships that enhance individual development.

    We can help to build in youth the strong character needed to make positive decisions about the direction they choose in life. The mission-driven programs of the YMCA do just that. A lasting gift to a child is that of a community with a listening ear and a caring heart.

    Exercise the love in your heart by registering and participating in this ride. Your gift will support the mission of the YMCA and will serve the children who need us most.

    Together, We Can Build a Better Us.

    Made possible with the support of the Decatur County Visitors and Tourism Commission. For lodging information, see

    $1000 - $2500 Premier Elite Gold Club Sponsor

    Brave Heart Foundation         Corya

    $500 Gold Club Sponsor

    Moeller Printing         Hagerty's Building and Construction, Inc         Ag Pro

    $300 Elite Club Sponsor

    Elizabeth Hagerty DDS         KB Specialty Foods        Columbus Cycling & Fitness         Shelby Materials

    $150 Platinum Club Sponsor

    Bode Electric         Napoleon State Bank         Selking International         O'Mara Foods         Langen Meats         Prairie Farms         Ameriprise Financial: Messer, Rust & Burkert Advisors        

    $50 Mile Marker Club Sponsor

    Lake Santee Women's Club         Kiwanis         Hampton Inn and Suites         Holiday Inn Express         Indiana Wire Products         Greensburg Lions Club         Boy Scout Troops 577 and 578         Bryant's Bar and Grille

The Ride

Saturday, June 28, 2025
Day-Of Registration: 6:30 am
Route Start Times:
100 miles - 7:00am
Both 67 miles - 7:00-8:00am
50 miles - 8:00-9:00am
34 miles - 8:00-9:00am
16 miles - 8:30-9:30am

Entry Fees

Adult Registration (18+)

$35 until March 31.
$40 from April 1 - 30.
$45 from May 1 - June 26.
$50 Day-Of registration.

Young Adult Registration (13-17)

$25 until March 31.
$30 from April 1 - 30.
$35 from May 1 - June 26.
$40 Day-Of registration.

Shirt orders available through June 22.

Online registration ends June 26 at 9pm. After that, you may register day of event.

All riders must agree to the terms of the event waiver upon registering. Riders under 18 must be accompanied by a parent / responsible adult (21) years of age at all times. Riders under 18 must have prior long distance riding experience, and go over bike safety rules with parent.

Safety First

Bicycle Helmets Required.
Know and Obey Indiana Traffic Laws.
Bring a cell phone, if you have one.
Respect other Riders. Have Fun!!!


Start & Finish:

Historic Tower Tree Courthouse Square
150 Courthouse Square, Greensburg, IN 47240

»   Restrooms available
»   Water, snacks, and other drinks will be
»   Map of routes are located under the
     maps tab & in event goody bags
»   Showers available at the YMCA

Hosted by:
Decatur County Family YMCA

Made possible with the support of the Decatur County Visitors and Tourism Commission. For lodging information, see

Questions? Contact us at 812-663-9622 or email

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